Natural ways to beat depression

Having a mental health issue can make you feel hopeless. Alongside talk therapy, and possibly medication, there are a number of things you can do yourself to help manage symptoms.

 Simple adjustments to your behaviour such as physical activity, lifestyle, and eating habits can be effective at managing the symptoms of some mental health issues. 

Try some of the tips below and see how they make you feel.

Go for a stroll

You knew we were going to say that, right?! What you might be more surprised to learn is that you don’t need to train for a marathon or do CrossFit-jujitsu-bootcamp three times a day to get the benefits of exercise. A massive research study tells us that even a simple 30 minute stroll can have mental health benefits.

Be grateful (while on that stroll)

Studies have shown that when facing trauma, adversity, or suffering, people with a grateful disposition will often recover more quickly. There are a number of techniques you can try including journaling, asking yourself specific questions, and mantras. 

Supplement your diet

Sometimes it’s hard to work out what’s true and what’s not when it comes to supplements. We’ve searched the net for research-backed supplements that have been shown to be safe and, for some people with mental health issues, effective:

  • For Depression: Some studies suggest that St. John’s Wort might be as effective as antidepressant therapy.
  • For Anxiety and Panic: Preliminary research suggests that CBD supplements have significant potential to reduce anxiety and panic. 

…and eat your greens

study from Australia in 2016 found improvements in mental well-being following increased intake of fruit and vegetables. The science isn’t settled but researchers are increasingly certain of a direct, causal link between the consumption of fruit and vegetables and psychological well-being.

Keep track

It’s easy to lose sight of our mental health in the hustle and bustle of everyday life but keeping track can really benefit you. Use an app, a Word document, or even just a notebook to jot down a few lines about how you are feeling each day.

Talk it through

The very act of verbalising your feelings has been proven to have therapeutic effects (which puts the truth to the saying, “A problem shared is a problem halved’). Find a friend, family member, or faith leader and talk through how you are feeling. Don’t have someone to speak with? Online counselling has been shown to be just as effective as face-to-face counselling while being more affordable and convenient.

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